“I grew up [in South Beverly Hills] about a mile from the lot from fourth grade on. The first time I visited the lot, I was still a teenager.” – Fox Television Group Chairman-CEO Gary Newman
· Goldstein and Talei have yet to file papers; Council election to be cancelled?
· Five taxicabs companies to service Beverly Hills
· BHPD shoot bank robbery suspect at Luxe Hotel
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“It was pretty much remove your tongue and live or don’t do anything and the cancer will continue spreading.” – Angelina Mattos
· Weiss criticizes use of Measure E funds for legal fees
· Will the council election be cancelled?
· Flournoy drops out of race for Defense Secretary
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“The other districts are told when they are getting their payments and how much they will be. They can budget [and] get them pretty close to the penny. Ours is incredibly unpredictable.” – BHUSD Superintendent Gary Woods
· Board of Education to try to recoup $128,000 from EBI; Safety officer vehicles repossessed on campus
· Former Beverly Hills mail room worker Partida pleads guilty
· Fourth annual Chinese New Year to feature Beijing performance and arts group
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“My parents really followed Martin Luther King Jr. and that was one of the things that they would preach: ‘Be the best that you could possibly be.’ My mom and dad instilled that philosophy into our entire family. It’s not good enough to be good. You have to be better than the person that you’re competing against, regardless of what it’s for.” – Beverly High Principal Carter Paysinger
· Beverly High Class of 1984 30 Year Reunion
· Bosse and Gold file re-election papers
· EBI defaults on contract
· Cole to serve seven years in a Missouri prision
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“I find it very disturbing that the Board of Education and the Foundation sold such prime real estate for such little money. If their goal and responsibility is to raise funds, why wasn’t a proper notification and mailing done to all family members and alumni of this wonderful opportunity?” – El Rodeo parent Marty Halfon
· Beverly High Class of 1974 70th Reunion
· BHPOA Black and White Gala
· Cici Young Leaders Extravaganza Costume Party
· K-3 grade maintains student-to-teacher ratio, second grade class to have additional staffing
· Health and Safety Commission go over preventative measures from the flu, EVD68 and Ebola
· Kolin announces retirement
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“It’s an assessment about graduation just to pass, that’s the message that everyone has sent, then that would be the focus. Because tenth grade students take that test only one time, there was really no reason to look at it again because we weren’t measuring year after year on any sort of ongoing assessment. It was just a graduation test.” – Chief Academic Officer Jennifer Tedford
· 1954 Beverly High 60th Reunion
· Despite protest, Rotary Club returns to Beverly Hills Hotel
· SLAPP motion may prevail if statements made in public proceedings, Richards says
· Planning Commission prepares changes for historical preservation ordinance
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“People aren’t worried whether you do it or if somebody else does it. Just as long as you get it done. Too many politicians want to get credit not just for thinking about it, but also for doing it. It’s impossible. You have a city 15 miles long [and] you have 45,000 [city] employees. How can you do all those things yourself?” – Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan
· Hall still named in Paysinger lawsuit; files anti-SLAPP motion
· COC raises concern on availability of Measure E funds
· COC members reviews MTA litigation opinion letters; Goldberg believes MTA costs will be recovered
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“Funding in California was not keeping up and Beverly [Hills] no longer got its funding from local property taxes. The money came from Sacramento. We were discussing a pay raise and the district said, ‘Well, we can’t afford that.’” – Former BHEA President Stewart Horowitz
· Yaroslavsky says he’s open to a settlement on the subway route
· Sale of public parking spaces to be banned
· Margo says bond acceleration will be put to a vote in March
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“Funding in California was not keeping up and Beverly [Hills] no longer got its funding from local property taxes. The money came from Sacramento. We were discussing a pay raise and the district said, ‘Well, we can’t afford that.’” – Former BHEA President Stewart Horowitz
· Yaroslavsky says he’s open to a settlement on the subway route
· Sale of public parking spaces to be banned
· Margo says bond acceleration will be put to a vote in March
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“A lot of them are in the foster care system due to parental drug abuse and neglect. They end up in this foster [care] system going from home to home. At some point, they call them group homes. They don’t call them orphanages anymore, but basically they are.”
· Looking Beyond Next Generation Inaugural Event
· Cultural Heritage Commission denies Harry Joe Brown Estate landmark nomination
· Tapscott-Bazzi charged with embezzlement of ASB funds
· Seismic fault investigation reports let up to peer review process for approval
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“The Measure E Bond approved in 2008, which promised to not raise property tazxes, has not been fully distributed to the District yet, and may not be issued in time to complete all the proposed construction activity.”
· City Council doesn’t call up Waldorf Astoria project changes for formal review
· Kirk-Carter named as Chief Administrative Officer; Dubin named as ROP Co-Director
· Pope earns designation of Master Municipal Clerk
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“It’s incumbent on us as individuals to be informed and to be prepared. We have to [have] more individual responsibility. We can’t count on the city to do everything for us, and not in the way that they can’t do it, but in the sense that there are things that we need to take responsibility for ourselves.” – Health and Safety Commission Chair Stacia Kopeikin
· How did serving as a BHUSD principal prepare you to become a Superintendent?
· Federal agents seize $90 million in suspected money laundering schemes in fashion district raid
· 9900 Wilshire project plans to break ground in 2015
· Bosse highlights healthy initiative accomplishments at Evening with the Mayor
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“March was touch, but in a way that most people respected…He used the power of his pen most of the time fairly, and rarely publicly embarrassed anyone who couldn’t defend themselves. He was larger than life.” – Former Mayor Linda Briskman
· 1964 Beverly High 50th Reunion
· Democrat of the Year Awards
· High rate of BHUSD kindergarten personal belief vaccinations exemptions
· BHUSD legal fees purchase orders total over $1.6 million
· Mandatory water conservation plans includes 10 percent water use reduction
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“[Pressman and Ingle] set the foundation and they set the standards. If the standard has been set, then that makes it easier for us to say, ‘Let’s keep it going. Let’s keep that standard.’ There’s a tradition of excellence here.” – Beverly High drama teacher Brad Vincent
· City Council discusses who reviews Waldorf Astoria’s development changes
· BHPD launches internal review of policies and procedures
· Beverly High modernization plans detailed in video
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“These women, they may not be disfigured, but they could be living in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica and living behind a closed door. The person you love and have children with tells you every day that you’re worthless, and he beats you if you don’t do something that he thinkgs you should be doing.” – Face Forward founder Deborah Alessi
· Ben Allen and Autum Burke candidate reception
· BHPD mistakenly detains television producer as bank robbery suspect
· City Council approves additional Centennial allocations from remaining $59,145 Centennial funds
· Architects add enhancements to master architect building at 8665 Wilshire
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“It is our job to advise. It is not our job to decide.” – Cultural Heritage Commission Chair Maralee Beck
· One Book, One City; Human Relations Chair Rochelle Ginsberg discusses the citywide reading program
· City Council approves utility relocation permits and MOA with Metro
· Public Works Commission recommends water conservancy mandates
· Beverly Hills home prices down in June 2014
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“We want to improve our health benefits and we have to explore where that money is coming from. We’re aware of the bigger picture and we want to work with the district to find a way to improve benefits for teachers without hurting teachers in other areas.” – BHEA President Telly Tse
· City Council approves two percent water rate increase
· BHUSD steady in enrollment; slightly down from last year
· City to cover half the cost of BHUSD’s campus security program
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“People would buy those homes, tear them down, and put up twice the density on the lots. On the other hand, somebody pays eight or ten million dollars for a lot. Essentially, how much can the city regulate? It’s a part in change in society in general, and how we want to live.” – Planning Commission Chair Howard Fisher
· 40 years later: Where were you during Richard Nixon’s resignation?
· City Council to vote next week on 10% city employee salary increases
· Bosse and Schlesinger to be inducted into the Hall of Fame
· 805 North Linden Drive owners decide to resell; request rescinding historic landmark nomination
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“In America, we are so attached to our teeth. If I tell a patient in the U.S., ‘I have to pull your tooth,’ they start crying in my chair. It just shows the difference in value in the world and it really depends on what your priorities are at that point.” – Nancy Saghian
· Metro Board approves $1.6 billion contract with Skanska, Taylor and Shea
· Settlement not reached between Christiansen and BHUSD
· Board of Education approves PrimeSource’s $295k contract
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“We have the luck of having five exceptionally competent commissioners who really take this all very seriously and put in the time and effort and diligence to make sure that what we are doing and what we will be leaving in the legacy for the city is properly considered and not arbitrary.” – Cultural Heritage Commission chair Maralee Beck
· Board of Education responds to Paysinger lawsuit
· CNPA questions why leak investigation report is not released
· Carr raises $74,000 more than Lieu in recent fundraising cycle
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“Members of the Beverly Hills Board of Education have used knowingly false statements, meritless investigations, illegal leaks, racist rhetoric, and other abusive and illegal behavior as part of a coordinated effort to destroy Paysinger’s career and reputation.” – Paysinger’s attorney Reed Aljian
· Where were you during the Apollo 11 moon landing
· Neff designed property nominated for historic landmark distinction despite owners’ opposition
· Courier v. Weekly lawsuit dismissed
· Design Review Commission rejects re-design of Spanish revival house
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“If we want to portion blame, both sides can do that with quite some justification, but I’m not interested in doing that. Let’s talk about a better future, about moving the country forward.” – Congressional candidate Elan Carr
· Board of Education shakes up BHUSD school administration
· BHUSD receives $600,00 in donations from BHEF
· Kraushaar and Safier to be named as Charitable Solicitations commissioners
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“I come into this position wanting to be tremendously involved [but] I also have a job that’s a priority. I also have a family with two young kids and that’s a priority. So it’s about building a balance but hopefully I can make my own mark and leave the committee in three years a little bit better than it is now.” – Rodeo Drive Committee President Mark Tronstein
· City Employees speak out against MOU rejection
· Campus safety officers reduce to five; contract shows over $700k a year
· Primesource’s contract doubles to nearly $300k
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“We all shared the same balance of trying to encourage new businesses to come into our community, but also making sure that we can balance the quality of life for the residents [who] are near these businesses, [and] how to balance growth with not changing the quality of life.” – Mayor Lili Bosse
· City Council denies ten percent city employee salary increase
· Appellate court rules Chodos’ fees too high
· Applicant drops project after Design Review Commission denies design plans
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“People kept telling me that we were in a post-racial America [where] race was no longer significant in opportunities afforded or in hardships endured, and that class and economics were much more important now than race. My life and much of things that I was experiencing today refuted that.” – Law Professor Michael Higginbotham
· BHFA Backdraft Ball
· Four new properties added to the Local Register of Historic Properties
· Trousedale area safety recommendations to be implemented: zero tolerance policy in effect
· Korbatov says there’s something wrong with percentage of students attending community college
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“These kids who are interested in writing [have the] opportunity to hear another author’s struggles and life story. Somewhere behind the library there’s a living human being with a desire to write, just like them.” – Fine Art Commissioner Carolyn Hiller
· Where were you during the O.J. Simpson Bronco Chase?
· Chodos’ fees too high, Richards says
· Karlin argues successfully in front of the U.S. Supreme Court
· Hawthorne named as California Distinguished School
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“I was really grateful to be an American and come back where I didn’t have to watch what I say.” – Beverly High English teacher Julie Goler
· Second and Third Generation Beverly High Graduates
· Carr, Allen, Kuehl lead in local races
· City and BHUSD appeal court decision to allow subway tunneling under Beverly High
· Beverly High grades react to Santa Barbara shooting
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“If you’re going to join a committee or a board, really give them the time and commitment it takes to help the committee be successful. It’s not only joining, but participating.” – Rodeo Drive Committee President Jim Jahant
· Goldstein speaks out against high BHUSD legal fees
· Neighboring merchants protest Wally’s lease
· Bell schedule dispute; does sixth period before lunch benefit students?
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“I think that teaching is a wonderful profession and you don’t do it alone. It’s not done in a vacuum. Parents and former teachers all add to the mix and everybody’s goal is to help the child be the most successful that they can be and achieve their potential. I’m happy to have been a part of that.” – Sharon Friedman
· City employees to receive a 10 percent raise
· Teacher unions protests slow negotiations
· Cherniss to be named San Marino Unified Superintendent
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“One of my themes for this year is passion and momentum, so we want to keep the passion for the Chamber and the City going and really keep our momentum…and keep doing great events.” – Chamber of Commerce President Marc Wolf
· Rabbi David Wolpe honored with Magbit Humanitarian Award
· Iconic Kate Mantilini restaurant to close after 27 years
· Rotary dumps Beverly Hills Hotel
· Second LAPD officer dies on Loma Vista Drive in two months
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“It’s not a boycott of the greatness of the hotel, it’s a boycott of the essence of the asset and what that means to further these kinds of inhumane policies.” – Former Mayor Robert K. Tanenbaum
· Centennial spending exceeds $800k
· Cement truck collision on 1000 block Loma Vista Drive
· Alexander launches Compliment of Beverly Hills
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“I think many of us who come from immigrant backgrounds can really relate to the experience of having parents from different cultures, then coming to America and trying to hold on to your heritage and your culture, and also fitting into the American Dream.” Mayor Lili Bosse
· Beverly Hills Prom 2014
· City Council unanimously approves fracking ban
· Paysinger elected CIF president
· BHUSD legal fees exceed $500k the past quarter
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“Here we are trying to export our values to [the] third world, emerging countries, [and] new democracies when we don’t even understand our rights and responsibilities ourselves.” – 27th California Chief Justice Ronald George
· 9900 Wilshire demolition phase scheduled to begin in summer
· Hebroni meets life-saving donor Entz from Germany
· Measure E draft report shows the Board of Education has spent over $32 million
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“Three dogs are leashed and ready to go as they pant and walk back and forth while their owners are among the 40 people chatting, waiting to begin the trek.”
· Four Spanish revival structures for historical landmarking
· Sooky Goldman passes at 91
· Trousdale estate plans approved with 2-1 vote
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“The difficult people are the people who create within us the desire, the strive or the will to be brilliant.” – Ryan Weiss
· Metro ruling slams BHUSD
· Acura and O’Gara Coach as potential 8767 Wilshire tenants
· BHPD runs 120 miles from Baker, California to Las Vegas, Nevada
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“I want City Hall to feel open, and that’s how I feel as to why I’ve used social media because I want people to feel they know who their Mayor is…I think we need to be more accessible and we need to be a city that will be a model for other cities.” – Mayor Lili Bosse
· City Council approves permits for Metro’s utility relocation
· Lower student enrollment can be good – but how low is too low?
· Horace Mann construction to break ground in the summer
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“Pursuing [law] right now takes a certain level of…courage, commitment [and] devotion to justice.” – Beverly Hills Bar Association President Diane Karpman
· Courier’s appeal dropped
· Bosse sworn in as Mayor, Gold sworn in as Vice Mayor
· Three valid signatures needed for Mirisch’s nomination papers
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“This is a great opportunity for everyone to be reminded that we are an earthquake country, and now is a real good time to reevaluate their earthquake kit, make sure that it’s up to date and within the expiration date.” – Beverly Hills Fire Department Fire Chief Ralph Mundell
· Overflow crowd at board meeting, by why isn’t it televised?
· Insufficient facts in Fisher’s complaint, according to demurrer
· South El Camino Drive’s rooftop lunchroom approved with conditions
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“The form 700s are there to allow the public to see that their public officials are hopefully making decisions that are based on the public interest and not for personal gain.” – Fair Political Policies Committee Communications Director Jay Wierenga
· Paysinger cleared by the District Attorney
· LAPD officer dies, two injured in collision on Loma Vista
· Santa Monica Boulevard reconstruction costs jumps from $17 million up to $35 million
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“In my opinion, fair got thrown out the window months ago. Now it’s about doing the right thing, and the right thing includes Lewis Hall resigning.” – Former Board of Education member Steven Fenton
· Planning commission approves 42 in-lieu parking spaces for the Palm Restaurant
· City Council ignores BHUSD attorneys, approves 9900 Wilshire demolition
· BHUSD hires general counsel on four-month trial basis
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“When I look at a piece of art, it resonates, whether I like it or don’t like it. It gives me an opportunity to engage and that’s what I’m hoping the Fine Art Commission achieves with the programs we offer to the city.” – Fine Arts Commission Chair Sandy Pressman
· Beverly Hills Weekly attorneys receive $40,000 from the Courier
· Rec and Parks Commission discusses open leash dog park
· Two properties nominated, one denied for landmark designation
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“A drought in California really is felt in terms of the produce that’s available throughout the United States. The farmers are facing a crisis in that they’re going to have to fallow some fields this year because there isn’t going to be enough water.” – Metropolitan Water District Representative Robert Wunderlich
· Council mediates dispute between commissions
· Architects discuss plans for Beverly High
· Samani donates bone marrow in life-saving transplant
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“The most important thing [is that] this is a commission that’s made up of people who are totally dedicated to doing the right thing for the city. There are no egos, there are no agendas.” – Recreation and Parks Commission Chair Howard Rosoff
· Fenster reseigns from COC; Greenberg Glusker to represent Korbatov and Hall
· Carr announces candidacy for 33rd Congressional District
· Mamtek’s bankruptcy case continues; Peden sued on four counts
…and more
“[My father] said to me the powerful groups always have advocates, but you have to watch out for the people who are poor or sick or elderly and speak up for those who have no one else to speak for them.” - Congressman Henry Waxman
· Young Magbit Foundation
· Independent report clears Paysinger
· Shooshani appointed Planning Commissioner
· Carolyn Hiller recommended as Fine Art Commissioner
…and more
“I want to be remembered as somebody who really cared – sometimes too much – and who made a difference, whatever that is.” – Joel Pressman in his June 2013 interview
· Mayor John Mirisch: Mirisch attended the 82nd U.S. Conference of Mayors
· Coroner identifies woman who jumped from Camden Medical Arts building
· Recreation and Parks Commission approves fine art placement at Beverly Gardens Park but disagrees on proposed art
· DSA approvals and temporary staff brings Horace Mann's new planned facilities closer to construction
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“Unlike everybody else sitting at this desk, I have no history with this project. I have not touched this building before, so I’ve had the opportunity to come to it with no prejudice and no emotion, and I’ve tried to stay that way.” – Councilmember Julian Gold
· Telly Tse: Incoming BHEA (teacher's union) President
· BHUSD legal fees for second fiscal quarter
· BHUSD to defend former superintendent Gross in Christiansen civil case
· Disagreement between Fine Art and Recreation and Parks commissions
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“I was able to go up in a Sherriff’s Department helicopter to help assess the damage in our community, which was major: two collapsed freeways, a leaking aqueduct supplying water to Los Angles, major damage to local water storage reservoirs and more.” – Jeff Kolin
· Robbie J. Sherman: Son of the late prolific Disney composer Robert B. Sherman
· Gallup speaks about City Councilmembers' decision to cancel Planning Commissioner nomination
· "Endowment Fund" name changed at BHUSD Finance Committee meeting
· Opinions mixed on Evidence-Based Inc. security program on BHUSD campuses
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“The false hypothesis is that you only get the benefit by only putting in medical. It’s not the restaurant that’s going to remove the 50 parking spaces during the day, it’s medical that’s removing the 50 parking spaces during the day.” – AJ Wilmer
· Hubbard acquitted on appeal; what's next?
· Finalist selected as new BHUSD general counsel, but pulled from agenda
· Council backtracks on Gallup nomination for Planning Commissioner
...and more